Thursday, 3 November 2011

October 2011 Report

Mr Ralph Cree was the speaker at our October WI meeting, but he was not so much a speaker, more a drummer. He has played the drums for 20 years and has been running Magic Drum sessions for groups, since 2004.

He brought with him enough drums- from Africa, Cuba and Brazil, for each member to play. We practised playing several different rhythms, which, being chosen to sound like foodstuffs, made them easy to memorise. So we played three poly rhythms to the beats of – jack-et-pot-a-to, chick-en -kor- ma, and Christ-mas-pud-ding-and-cus-tard. We really got into the “groove” and had great fun. I wished I had taken some photographs as the concentration and sheer joyfulness on the member’s faces, was a sight to behold.
As if this wasn’t enough, we were then given Boomwhackers, - plastic tubes in the C major pentatonic scale. We struck them with a drumstick and Mr Cree conducted us playing. We didn’t quite manage the Tchaikovsky that apparently can be achieved, but we were quite tuneful nonetheless.

In the business part of the meeting, we planned the co-operative entry for the Group competition, and we heard that Jen and Shirley had had a wonderful WI dinghy sailing day at the Olympic Sailing venue in Portland, with the donning of the wetsuits being the most difficult part !

Our other regular monthly activities, of Saturday Craft morning, Organised Walks, Book Clubs and Mah Jong evenings continue to be well supported, and the two skittles teams are currently both doing very well, with every match a winner!

At next months meeting, Penny and David Ruck are to speak on “Times Gone By”

Please feel free to contact me on 400492 if you would like to attend a meeting, or indeed, just turn up at the village Hall at 7.30pm on the first Wednesday of the month, and you will be made most welcome.

Elaine KNight

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