Saturday, 12 November 2011

November 2011 report

Penny Ruck, a member of our WI, and her husband David, gave a presentation entitled Times Gone By, On display were numerous household items from the 1940’s and 1950’s that Penny has collected. It appeared quite a sizeable collection, but Penny told us, represents only a small fraction of her vast collection of items from times gone by.

Many of the items members recalled having owned or seen in their family home. Among the implements that particularly interested me were the iron powered by gas, and the electric Bakelite hot water bottle. The hand action bellows vacuum cleaner appeared very labour intensive but the darning mushroom, which was backlit for use in the WW2 blackouts was most ingenious.

Penny and David very generously chose to donate their fee to The St John Eye Hospital in Jerusalem.

In the business part of the meeting, after coffee, we heard about the fantastic Autumn Council meeting of the Dorset Federation of WIs, where Ann Widdecombe was the main speaker.

It was agreed to celebrate our December meeting with supper at Cromwell House –if members have not yet booked with me, please contact me on 400492 to reserve a place. We are to hold a competition for the best home made Christmas decoration.

The Craft Mornings continue at the Village Hall on the third Saturday of the month, but the monthly walks will not resume until the Spring.

We have entered a team for the local Rotary quiz next week, so I shall report on our success or otherwise next month.
Numerous other events were promoted, and it seemed that member’s felt very fortunate, if not a little overwhelmed, by the number of social occasions from which to choose.

We will not have a speaker at our January meeting, but will instead entertain ourselves playing a variety of board games, and tucking in to festive fare. Do come and join us, - you will be most welcome.

Elaine Knight 400492.

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