Wednesday, 1 June 2011

May 2011 Report

Valerie Stevens, at our May meeting, told us about the work of the ACWW – the Associated Country Women of the World. The Association was founded some 70 years ago and is the only charity that the WI can support.

The ACWW was granted NGO (Non Governmental Organisation ) status in the United Nations in 1947 and works through advocacy and lobbying to persuade governments to give women what they need

Dorset WI recently gave £5000 to ACWW, for a project in Hungary to help poor women establish an organic farmers market.

Following Ms Stevens talk we made plans for an outing to Cerne Abbas Village Open Gardens, and then discussed the national resolutions.

Each year, resolutions of national importance are drawn up. Every WI in he country votes, thus giving the national WI a mandate to lobby the government for change.

The first resolution was regarding support for local libraries, which our WI carried. However, although the second resolution, opposing factory farms, sparked much debate, the majority abstained – concerned by insufficient understanding of a huge subject.

Next month’s meeting is to be held in a member’s garden and promises to be a relaxed evening, with an American supper and good company.

Our craft morning on the third Saturday of each month, in the village hall, is proving popular, and non members are very welcome to join us.

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